Special Prime Rates for EBT and Medicaid

As an Amazon Prime member, you receive a free 30-day trial that includes Free Two-Day Shipping on over 100 million items, exclusive shopping deals, and discounts on diapers and baby food. With Prime, you get access to thousands of movies, TV shows, and music to stream online or download for offline, plus unlimited access to over a thousand top Kindle books, and more! After your trial ends, customers who verify with a valid EBT or Medicaid card receive access to all Prime benefits, discounted to just $5.99 per month!

EBT / Medicaid Prime Discounted Monthly

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2 thoughts on “Special Prime Rates for EBT and Medicaid

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  1. I’ve tried multiple times, over multiple months, to join Amazon Prime using the Nevada EBT discount program. Upon entering my EBT number and the clear photo, I continuously receive a notice that the EBT number and EBT card do not match. They do match. Amazon has no one that is able to help. How may I resolve this issue?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! I found that if there is the ‘slightest’ of difference, they won’t match. For instance a middle initial is missing, a space where there isn’t one or should be one, or spelling or capitalization even. Strange, I know. Also there is often a mixup between a zero and an ‘o’ (oh), or a dash, when entering an EBT number. I would definitely try again.


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